Bristish Columbia.
The best moderate granite
climbing area in the world
Just a month has past since my last short posting and almost two has passed since my arrival at YBOYS in Seattle. It's been doing a lot of climbing and working and logistics and fun and, did I mention working. The best things about my job has been the cool co-instructors (one was just awarded the position as President of the Washington Trails Alliance) and another, despite her PhD in some sort of computation linquistics, chooses to teach climbing and expertly manage a bunch of boys in the middle of Canada. Also the consistent climbing I've gotten to do with kids in tow has been facinating as I've watch students go from non-climber to amazing climber in a matter of days.
My last trip just ended after a two week tour of Squamish and Whistler climbing areas. The granite was amazing, kids learned a lot, and its the first work trip I've done where I've actually gotten stronger (on the rock) by the end of it. Be warned fellow climbers pack all your food and beer before heading up for that perfect BC roadtrip. The dollar is flat against the CDN dollar right now and it might as well be Switzerland in terms of food costs.

Today, I'm back to the basement of the MetroCenter in downtown Seattle. For the next couple weeks I will be computing, and copying, and calling parents and recieving reports from the trips currently in the field. Anyone up in the Northwest should stop by and give a call - I actually have a couched you can sleep on.
Photos: 1) Managing a rappell with Szu Ting photographing. Squamish Chief in background. Yes there's a kid down there somewhere. 2) Celebrating apple cobbler cooked with charcoal. 3) The team.